Where and how to reach me
Office address
Institut Denis Poisson
Université de Tours
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
Bâtiment E2, bureau 1310
Parc de Grandmont
37200 Tours FRANCE
My office
is number 1310 and is situated on the first floor of Building E2
(see map on the left)
How to get there?
The city center of Tours, including the main train station "Tours centre", is situated between the Loire and the Cher rivers. The science compus is called "Grandmont" and is located in the south as you will see on the map.
At the train station you will find bus line 2 that will directly take you on the campus (see bus line on the right).
On the map, you can also see the second trains station "Saint-Pierre-des-Corps". Trains are constantly commuting from here to the city centre. The bus line 16 also directly goes from there to the campus (but this is typically slower and less convenient than line 2).