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About me

I am "Maitre de conférence" in theoretical physics at Université de Tours. This is a permanent academic position which amounts more or less to associate profesor in the US/UK system.


This involves both teaching, as part of the Physics Department of the University, and research activities at the Institut Denis Poisson.



Academic Positions

2022 - Présent

Associate Professor
IDP, Tours (fr)

"Maitre de conférence" at Université de Tours

2021 - 2022

UMONS, Mons (be)

Post doc in the group "Physics of the Universe, Fields and Gravitation" of UMONS.

2018 - 2021

Chargé de recherche FNRS
ULB, Bruxelles (be)

Post doc as part of the differential geometry group of the ULB.


2014 - 2018

ENS Lyon (fr) | University of Notthingham (uk)

Dual PhD with Kirill Krasnov (University of Nottingham) and Etera Livine (ENS Lyon)

2012 - 2014​​

ENS Lyon |
Master Sciences de la Matière


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